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Migrating to 14.0.0

This release contains breaking changes. We know these can be disruptive, but they were needed to keep our dependencies up to date and Stylelint free of security issues.


There are five changes that may affect you:

  • the syntax option and automatic inferral of syntax was removed
  • Node.js 10 support was dropped
  • the rules deprecated in 13.7.0 were removed
  • the configOverrides option was removed
  • the function-calc-no-invalid rule was removed

syntax option and automatic inferral of syntax#

Stylelint no longer includes the syntaxes that:

  • parse CSS-like languages like SCSS, Sass, Less and SugarSS
  • extract styles from HTML, Markdown and CSS-in-JS object & template literals

If you use Stylelint to lint anything other than CSS files, you will need to install and configure these syntaxes. We recommend extending a shared config that includes the appropriate PostCSS syntax for you. For example, if you use Stylelint to lint SCSS, you can extend the stylelint-config-standard-scss shared config.

First, install the shared config as a dependency:

npm install --save-dev stylelint-config-standard-scss

Then, update your configuration object to use it:

{  "extends": ["stylelint-config-standard-scss"],  "rules": {    ..  }}

This shared config extends Stylelint to be compatible with SCSS. It configures the built-in rules for SCSS, and includes the postcss-scss syntax and stylelint-scss plugin (a collection of rules specific to SCSS).

If a shared config isn't available for your perferred language or library, then you can install the appropriate PostCSS syntax yourself and use the customSyntax option, which is now available in the configuration object.

For example, to lint SugarSS.

First, install the sugarss syntax as a dependency:

npm install --save-dev sugarss

Then, update your configuration object to use it:

{  "customSyntax": "sugarss",  "rules": {    ..  }}

For other languages and embedded styles, we suggest the following PostCSS syntaxes:

(The postcss-markdown package needs a maintainer (see this issue). The @stylelint/postcss-css-in-js package has issues. It will likely to be deprecated in the future in favour of smaller syntaxes that focus on only one library (see this issue)).

If you lint more than one styling language, then you can use the new overrides property. For example, to lint both CSS and SugarSS you can update your configuration object to include:

{  "extends": ["stylelint-config-standard"],  "overrides": [    {      "files": ["**/*.sss"],      "customSyntax": "sugarss",      "rules": {        "block-closing-brace-empty-line-before": null,        "block-closing-brace-newline-after": null,        "block-closing-brace-newline-before": null,        "block-closing-brace-space-before": null,        "block-opening-brace-newline-after": null,        "block-opening-brace-space-after": null,        "block-opening-brace-space-before": null,        "declaration-block-semicolon-newline-after": null,        "declaration-block-semicolon-space-after": null,        "declaration-block-semicolon-space-before": null,        "declaration-block-trailing-semicolon": null      }    }  ]}

Which will extend the offical standard config, then use the overrides property to set the customSyntax property and turn off the rules that check braces and semicolons for SugarSS files.

You can then use Stylelint to lint both CSS and SugarSS files:

npx stylelint "**/*.{css,sss}"

Node.js 10#

Support for Node.js 10 was dropped. You should use the following or higher versions of Node.js:

  • 12.20.0
  • 14.13.1
  • 16.0.0

Rules deprecated in 13.7.0#

The rules deprecated in 13.7.0 were removed. You should refer to the list of alternatives in the 13.7.0 CHANGELOG entry and use them instead.

configOverrides option#

The configOverrides option has been removed. Use the overrides property in the configuration object instead.

function-calc-no-invalid rule#

The function-calc-no-invalid has be removed. You should remove it from your configuration object.

Plugin authors#

There are three changes that may affect you:

  • version 8 of PostCSS is now used in stylelint
  • a disableFix secondary option was added
  • TypeScript type definitions were added to the package

PostCSS 8#

The behaviour of the parser has changed in PostCSS version 8. The following is now parsed as a Declaration when it was previously parsed as a Rule:

foo: {  bar: baz;}

If your plugin targets this construct, you'll need to update your logic.

Even though version 8 of PostCSS is used in stylelint, you can't use the new Visitor API as Stylelint plugins are converted to use Once by Stylelint itself. You should continue to use the walk* API.

disableFix secondary option#

We previously suggested plugin authors provide this option. It is now available in Stylelint itself, and you should remove the option from your plugin.

Built-in TypeScript definitions#

The stylelint package exports its own TypeScript type definitions now. If you are using the @types/stylelint package, you should remove it from your dependencies.